The electronic resource "My Account" has been developed at the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery for the convenience of patients. Using this portal, patients can view their medical records and contact their doctor at any time.
When have to do
After being placed on the waitlist for a high-tech medical care voucher.
If your place of residence is far from the Federal Center.
If you wish to obtain information without lengthy phone calls.
The program helps track the progress of your high-tech medical care voucher, confirm your hospitalization date to the Center, and stay informed about the commission's decision regarding your treatment.
The patient receives recommendations for examinations and information about any needed pre-operative treatment.
Relatives or authorized representatives, as indicated upon hospital admission, can access information about the patient's health status during their stay at the Center.
Ability to review the results of investigations conducted at the Center, save them to your computer, or print them directly.
Participation in the program for remote monitoring of patients operated on at the Center.
Method of implementation
1. To register your account, find "My Account" icon in the upper right corner of our website (
2. Open and register by filling in the required fields. Immediately after that the Center's staff will have information about registration.
3. Our staff will check your data and confirm the registration of the personal account.
4. Then the screen will display the patient's personal information, details about the upcoming hospitalization, and the commission protocol.
In your account, you will find all the necessary information.
For details call 8 (8512) 311 000.