Chernov Igor Ionovich
Deputy Chief Physician for Surgical Care, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Honored Doctor of Russia
Reception days and hours: Wednesday 16.00-17.00
Telephone for pre-registration: 8 8512 311 170
Kitalaeva Kamila Tazhibovna
Deputy Chief Physician for Organization of Medical Care, Cardiologist
Reception days and hours: Thursday 13.00-14.00
Telephone for pre-registration: 8 8512 311 170
Kuznetsov Roman Vladimirovich
Deputy Chief Physician for Administrative and Economic Affairs
Reception days and hours: Tuesday 13.00-14.00
Telephone for pre-registration: 8 8512 311 170
Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 91 of June 28, 2023
Regulations on the organization of work with citizens' appeals in the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Agricultural Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Astrakhan)