Director: Shabalina Tatyana Yurievna
Address: 107045, Moscow, per. Ulansky, 26, room 3.01.
Postal address: 107045, Moscow, Sretensky Boulevard 5, PO Box 34.
Astrakhan branch of JSC "Insurance company SOGAZ - MED"
Address: 414000, Astrakhan, st. Red banner. d.16a letter I
Consultation of citizens 8-800-100-07-02
Office 8 (495) 225-23-11
Around the clock 8 800 100 07 02
Address: 127994, GSP-4, Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 37, bldg. 4A
Phone for information on the implementation of the protection of the rights of insurance. persons:
+7 (495) 870-96-80
Phone for inquiries on the issue of registration of written appeals of citizens:
+7 (495) 870-96-80, ext. 1512, 1513, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1557
Reception of correspondence at the address: 127994, GSP-4, Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 37, bldg. 4A
Reception of correspondence by the general department: Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 17.45, Friday from 9.00 to 16.30
Head: Nakhushev Sultan Karalbievich
Head: Nakhushev Sultan Karalbievich
Reception of citizens by the head first Tuesday of the month
Reception time: from 14:00 to 16:00
TFOMS address: Russia, Astrakhan region, Astrakhan, st. Victory 41
Tel./fax: (8512) 24-30-00 (reception) (8512) 24-30-06 (fax office)
E-mail: /
Limited Liability Company "Bestdoctor"
Agreement No. 4366-30-2021 of 01/26/2022 Outpatient care
Legal address:
121205, Moscow, Territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Nobel street, 7, floor 2, room 8, RM 3.
Mail delivery address:
109147, Moscow, st. Marxistskaya, 3, building 3, +7 (499) 709-98-17 "Best Doctor"
tel. 8(800)777-05-03
Joint Stock Company AlfaStrakhovanie (JSC AlfaStrakhovanie)
Agreement No. 14/22 dated 24.11. 2022 Medical services
Legal address:
115162, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31, building B
Actual address:
414040, Astrakhan, st. Admiralteyskaya, 53 F
Phone/Fax (8512) 210-805
Insurance Joint Stock Company "VSK" (JSC "VSK")
Contract No. 21700SMU00001 dated February 1, 2021 Medical services
Address: 121552, Moscow, Ostrovnaya st., 4
Phone/fax: (495)785-27-76
Phone/fax: (495)785-27-76
Insurance Public Joint Stock Company "Ingosstrakh" SPAO "Ingosstrakh"
Agreement No. 5953079-19/18 of 01/24/2018 Medical services
117997, Moscow, st. Pyatnitskaya, 12, building 2
+7 (495) 729-41-29,
Tel/Fax: + 7 (495) 729-41-23
Closed Joint Stock Company CJSC "MAKS"
Contract No. 101825/16-58224 dated May 29, 2018 Medical assistance under VHI
Address: 115184 Moscow, Malaya Ordynka street, 50
Actual address: 115184 Moscow, Malaya Ordynka st., 50
Tel. (495) 276-00-10, 234-44-77, (499)148-61-07
Tel./Fax: (495) 951-45-23
Insurance Public Joint Stock Company "RESO-Garantia" SPAO "RESO-Garantia"
Contract No. АС022/18 dated 06/25/2018 Medical assistance under VHI
legal: 125047, Moscow, st. Gashek, d. 12, building 1
fact.: 117105, Moscow, Nagorny proezd, 6
tel. (495) 730-30-00 ext. 1282 (by agreement),
ext. 1326, 1461 (payment department),
fax ext. 3074,
regional department (499) 251-16-59
round-the-clock dispatcher console (495) 956-11-66, 8-800-234-1802
tel: 8(8512)30-49-00
Joint Stock Company Gas Industry Insurance Company (JSC SOGAZ)
Contract for the provision of medical and preventive care (medical services)
No. 0518 RВ 054 dated 12/18/2018.
Legal address: 107078, Moscow, Academician Sakharova Ave., 10
Postal address for receipt of contractual documents: Krasnodar branch of JSC "SOGAZ" 350015, Krasnodar, st. Putevaya, 1
Phone: (861) 205-72-40
Email address Email:
Postal address for receipt of payment documents and objections to the acts of the IEE and IEC:
153002, Ivanovo, st. Zhideleva, 1 A50-A60
Email address:
Public Joint Stock Company SAK ENERGOGARANT
Contract No. 01-2019 dated February 20, 2019 Medical assistance
Legal, actual and postal addresses:
414057, Astrakhan, st. Zvezdnaya, 29 B
Single phone: (8512) 66-72-55, 66-72-56
Joint Stock Company "Sovcombank Insurance"
Agreement No. 8048/21 dated 09.12. 2021 Medical services
Legal address: 192007, St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass channel, 60, lit. A
Actual address: 119334, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 24 "Sovcombank insurance" (JSC)
Address for sending documents: (at the actual address)